SQL Server in host not reachable from HyperV Guest

Consider this setup:
You have a host machine (Windows Server 2008 R2) that has SQL Server installed and you have an Hyper-V virtual machine running on the host and there are applications inside the virtual machine that need acecss to SQL Server on the host. Now the catch is, the host SQL Server has multiple instances running, so the guest application (such as SharePoint 2010 for instance) needs to work with this other instance and not the default instance.

Whenever you have multiple SQL Instances running, the port # for the other instances, do not get assigned by default. They are dynamic. Note that 1433 port is given for the default instance.

So here is what you can do:
1. Assign a static port number (in my case, I gave 1431) to the other instance using the SQL Configuration Manager
2. Open this port number in the inbound rules of the Windows Firewall of the host machine.

Your applications in the guest should just start working fine!


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