Power BI Clarifications - Q&A
1. How can we display Power Bi Visuals inside SharePoint a. Can we display the whole Dashboard inside SharePoint Pages b. Or can we display just one Visual inside a SharePoint Page using an App? Response : A new feature has been added to PowerBI.com which is managing of embedded codes in the Settings section of PowerBI. It was added sometime last week only. 3 rd party is available at $3 per month: https://store.office.com/power-bi-tiles-for-sharepoint-WA104379750.aspx?assetid=WA104379750&sourcecorrid=bd27d848-b8e6-4da0-a848-e81d193dd317&searchapppos=2 Also, you can embed Power BI Tiles into Office Documents: https://store.office.com/power-bi-tiles-WA104379699.aspx?assetid=WA104379699&sourcecorrid=bd27d848-b8e6-4da0-a848-e81d193dd317&searchapppos=1 2. How can we provide security for our content so that – the content the dashboard uses only shows the content that the logged in user has permission to a. Fo