
Showing posts from March, 2015

SharePoint Implementation, Pre-Proposal Requirements Gathering Questionnaire

SharePoint Implementation Pre-proposal assessment questionnaire Organization Name   Website   Total Users   List down all Departments   Total # of Offices   IT Head / IT Manager / CIO Name and Contact Information   Other Key Stakeholders for this implementation   Is your IT Strategy moving towards cloud or will it remain On-Premise   Connectivity between the Offices   Please provide details of your current applications and your current IT Environment Do you have an Intranet Portal currently? If yes, which software do you use for the same?   Do you currently have a Document Management System?   How are interactions / information exchange happening within employees of your organization?   Do you have an Instant Messaging tool like Lync?   Do you use MS Exchange?   Do you use Network Share Folders? If so describe the purposes, the size and also the various stakeholders who use it?   Do you share content with external partners, customers, stakeholders? If yes, how do you do it?   How do em

SharePoint, Office 365 – Brief Requirements Collection Questionnaire

Company Name   Company Locations   # of employees   Do you currently have SharePoint or not   What are the key objectives for which you are going for SharePoint?   You would like to go for SharePoint On-Premise or SharePoint On-Demand (Office 365)   If Office 365, what is the plan you would like to go for   Would you be using SharePoint only for Document Storage and Sharing?   Do you have any electronic Forms / Workflow requirements?   Do you have any Document Workflow requirements?   Do you have any Business Intelligence Dashboards requirements?   What are your Search requirements?   Are you ok with the default look and feel / User Interface provided by SharePoint / Office 365 or you would like it to be custom branded?   What is the amount of data storage that will growth month by month or year by year?   Would you like to integrate – Pull or Push data between any other external systems?   Would you like to migrate data or documents from external file shares or any other locations?  

Questions to ask for SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013 Migration / Upgrade

Current SharePoint Version Current SharePoint Edition Foundation, Standard, Enterprise, Online # of Web Applications # of Site Collections # of Content Databases Total Size of Current SharePoint Content # of WSP Customizations # of SharePoint Designer Workflows Whether any Custom Branding (Custom User Interface) has been applied (Or it just follows the default look and feel) Do you want any new features in SharePoint 2013 to be configured or implemented OR Do you want the current SharePoint 2010 environment to be upgraded to 2013 – as it is? Do you want any new customizations to be developed? Are there any issues in the current environment which need to be fixed before doing the upgrade? Does the current environment have any BCS (Busin

SharePoint Online External Sharing

External Sharing of SharePoint Online - Clarifications In the above link, it clearly states that – External Users can View / Add / Edit documents. Also in the below link It clearly states the below. It does say – that, you can very well do External Sharing with Customers or Clients or even Vendors. Also in the below link, It also states, there is no limits on the # of External Users you can share your site with.

Client Server Object Model, Apps, REST APIs

FireFox, Role Based Authentication, JQuery WSP, SSRS, Cross Site Lookup

1.        Firefox à Authentication pop-up keeps popping up Need to disable Loopbackcheck, follow instructions here: This also should be tried (that is allowing NTLM authentication for your site in FireFox) 2.        Implementation of RBAC in sharepoint and the RBAC to be accessed via services. One user might be in multiple groups and highest role and access rights to be applied to the user on authentication For this, first of all, get the list of groups the user is part of: Then, once you get this list, you need to then should have configured somewhere (you can have a simple Custom List – which has the list of Groups along with a Rank Column for example) as to which group has got higher permissions t

iPhone 6 Plus - 64 GB must be your choice!

With iPhone 6 Plus, some people said 16 GB is enough, but certainly does not seem to be the case! As a general business user (Not so much into videos etc.) -  e-mails, apps, pics occasionally is what you would be in to, but please see how the storage has been used. First of all, iTunes shows only 55.69 GB as the capacity. then for the normal business user, below is the free storage available (after 2 months of usage only) So do not buy iPhone 6 Plus 16 GB - it is an absolute waste! - go for minimum 64 GB only!

SQL - Searching across multiple columns instead of giving where columns separately

-- search using nvarchar column type  DECLARE   @tableName varchar(250) = 'tbl_test ,  @searchValue nvarchar(50) = 'prov'     DECLARE  @sql varchar(max) ,  @searchColumns varchar(max) =''          SELECT @searchColumns = ISNULL(@searchColumns, '') + ' OR ' + QUOTENAME(COLUMN_NAME) +   ' Like ''%' + CAST(@searchValue AS varchar(10))+'%''' FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS   WHERE TABLE_NAME=@tableName AND DATA_TYPE IN ('varchar', 'nvarchar') --you can modify this to look at other columns besides INT     SELECT @searchColumns = STUFF(@searchColumns, 1, 4, '')        DECLARE @resultTable AS TABLE (UnitDate DATETIME, PlantID NVARCHAR(50), CostCenter NVARCHAR(200))  SELECT @sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' + QUOTENAME(@tableName) + ' WHERE ' + @numericColumns  INSERT INTO @resultTable  EXEC(@sql)  SELECT *  from @resultTable     SELECT @sq