
Showing posts from 2012

About InfoPath in SharePoint 2010

InfoPath 2010 ·          Part of Office Professional Plus 2010 ·          Tool to design electronic forms ·          These eForms can be published to SP Server ·          Two tools o    InfoPath Designer 2010 o    InfoPath Filler 2010 (Only when used outside SharePoint) ·          In SharePoint o    InfoPath Forms Services part of Enterprise Edition ·          Usage of InfoPath in SharePoint o    InfoPath Customization for a Custom List o    InfoPath Form Libraries o    DIP – Document Information Panel ·          Two Development Approaches o    InfoPath forms without code o    InfoPath forms with code (Written using C# or VB.Net – this is called as VSTA – Visual Studio Tools for Applications) ·          InfoPath Form Templates o    XSN : XML Schema Notation

HTTPS Site InfoPath Issue : You do not have permissions to access a web service that provides data required for this form to function correctly

Also, if you look at the Event Viewer, you might find the below issue: An operation failed because the following certificate has validation errors..... It could look something like this: The solution to fix this issue is to add the root certificates of the SSL certificate to the SharePoint 2010: Open the SharePoint 2010 Central Administration Open the ‘Manage Trust’ section under the ‘Security’ Tab Add the SSL Certificate and all the Root Certificates of the certificate chain. The best way to import the certificates is to store them in base-64 files with the file extension *.cer Now check if the SharePoint 2010 Portal is working via the Https url

The super user account utilized by the cache is not configured

Resolving "The super user account utilized by the cache is not configured." If you have a SharePoint Publishing site and you check the event viewer every once in a while you might see the following warning in there: Object Cache: The super user account utilized by the cache is not configured. This can increase the number of cache misses, which causes the page requests to consume unneccesary system resources. To configure the account use the following command 'stsadm -o setproperty -propertyname portalsuperuseraccount -propertyvalue account -url webappurl'. The account should be any account that has Full Control access to the SharePoint databases but is not an application pool account. Additional Data: Current default super user account: SHAREPOINT\system This means that the cache accounts for your web application aren’t properly set and that there will be a lot of cache misses. If a cache miss occurs the page the user requested wil

Hide Workflow History in WrkStat.aspx

There are times when you want to show the Workflow History only to Admin Users and not for normal users. But whenever a user clicks on the status of the Workflow, it redirects to the _layouts/WrkStat.asp and shows all information for all users. In order to avoid that, we can take advantage of the SPSecurityTrimmedControl. Open the WrkStat.aspx from 14->template->layouts in Visual Studio and then add <Sharepoint:SPSecurityTrimmedControl runat="server" Permissions="ManageLists"> in Line 128 and close the tag in Line 239. You will have the Workflow History Page appear like this for non-admin users :)

Showing QuickLaunch in a WebPart Page

With SharePoint 2007 all you needed to do was edit the page in SharePoint Designer and remove the following 2 lines: < asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderId=”PlaceHolderNavSpacer” runat=”server”></asp:Content> < asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderId=”PlaceHolderLeftNavBar” runat=”server”></asp:Content> With SharePoint 2010 you also need to delete the following: < style type=”text/css”> body #s4-leftpanel { display:none; } .s4-ca { margin-left:0px; } </style> The quick launch will now display on the web part page. Make sure you do this in the Advanced Editor Mode of this WebPart page.

SharePoint 2010 Stop .debug.js files from downloading When I view my SharePoint site I see a lot of .debug.js files being added by SharePoint. Is there a way to stop this happening. cui.debug.js core.debug.js sp.debug.js sp.ribbon.debug.js init.debug.js they account for around 400k of the page download. Gotcha, in your masterpage, set the ScriptMode to Release, so that it looks like this:  <asp:ScriptManager id="ScriptManager" runat="server" ScriptMode="Release" EnablePageMethods="false" EnablePartialRendering="true" EnableScriptGlobalization="false" EnableScriptLocalization="true" />  –  James Love   May 26 '11 at 18:25

Importing Profile Pictures from Active Directory to SharePoint 2010

Info about Paris (2 days)

1.        Indian restaurants nearby You can choose a restaurant in this list:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1280&bih=650&wrapid=tlif133450846511710&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=restaurants+indiens+5+Rue+de+Berri++75008+Paris&fb=1&gl=fr&hq=restaurants+indiens&hnear=0x47e66fc22f7759c3:0x130b82c388180d40,5+Rue+de+Berri,+75008+Paris&ei=8_mKT9qAF6Ge0QX_r4m3CQ&sa=X&oi=local_group&ct=image&ved=0CBkQtgM They are all nearby the hotel. I already went to Santoor restaurant, but I thought that food was too expensive for its quality and service. Anyway, this restaurant is quite expensive but really nice looking inside. I’ve never been to these other restaurant. 2.        Typical taxi charges to roam around in the city Don’t worry about taxi charges here. They are all meter controlled, so no problem with it (it is not like i

SharePoint 2010 Synchronization Connections An error occurred while accessing the SQL Server database or the SharePoint Server Search Service

If ever you see this error on your SharePoint 2010 Farm : when you go to Synchronization Connections page, after you got the User Profile Synchronization to start :) Do not panic, just do an iisreset and you should have this page working again.

SQL Server in host not reachable from HyperV Guest

Consider this setup: You have a host machine (Windows Server 2008 R2) that has SQL Server installed and you have an Hyper-V virtual machine running on the host and there are applications inside the virtual machine that need acecss to SQL Server on the host. Now the catch is, the host SQL Server has multiple instances running, so the guest application (such as SharePoint 2010 for instance) needs to work with this other instance and not the default instance. Whenever you have multiple SQL Instances running, the port # for the other instances, do not get assigned by default. They are dynamic. Note that 1433 port is given for the default instance. So here is what you can do: 1. Assign a static port number (in my case, I gave 1431) to the other instance using the SQL Configuration Manager 2. Open this port number in the inbound rules of the Windows Firewall of the host machine. Your applications in the guest should just start working fine!

SharePoint Upload Dialog Slow

If you have your SharePoint 2010 environment without internet connectivity, you might encounter a few performance issues. The most important among them would be the Document Library upload dialog opening and rendering slowly. This might be very annoying, as you might find this behavior only on IE and not on FireFox or Chrome browsers and you might start thinking, why SP, being an MS product, does not work on IE! This is what you need to do (essentially, telling the browser not to check for any certificates - which can happen only when you are internet connected) ·          Under Internet Tools Option go to Advanced Tab, ·          Disable / Uncheck the Publisher’s Certificate revocation

SharePoint 2010 Ribbon Hide or Show Options

Option1 : - based on the user pressing arrow keys, the ribbon appears, this way, they can be trained to do this within the dialog window; glitch is – they can toggle this when viewing the main site itself Option 2: - can hide or show ribbon based on a querystring parameter, so whenever a dialog window is open – we can show the ribbon by checking IsDlg; flip side is for the admin too, ribbon will not appear and they have to go to settings page by going to _layouts/settings.aspx Option  3: - hiding the ribbon programmatically in all the pages and when a dialog window or your custom page is opened, leave the ribbon as it is – this also has option to hide the site actions menu separately Option 4: http://sharepointdata.b

SharePoint 2010 Toggle Ribbon Visibility We can hide this ribbon, only for Anonymous Users or for a particular SP group We can also COLLAPSE the free space. But beware that the Sign In option will disappear and then the Ribbon options in the Dialogs will also not come up. Karthick

SharePoint 2010 Calculated Column Formula for Two Date Fields

=IF(AND([Date1]="",[Date2]=""),"",IF(AND(NOT([Date1]=""),[Date2]=""),TEXT([Date1],"MM/dd/yyyy"),IF(AND([Date1]="",NOT([Date2]="")),TEXT([Date2],"MM/dd/yyyy"),IF([Date1]=[Date2],TEXT([Date1],"MM/dd/yyyy"),TEXT([Date1],"MM/dd/yyyy") & " to " & TEXT([Date2],"MM/dd/yyyy")))) -------------- Scenarios this formula addresses when you have 2 date columns: When both are empty, you would not like to show anything When one is available and another is empty, you would like to show only that available date When both are available and are different, you need to show Date 1 to Date 2 When both are same, only one date must be displayed A good mix of inbuilt functions available such as IF, AND, NOT and TEXT!

IIS 7.5 - HTTP Error 500.21 Internal Server Error PageHandlerFactory-Integrated

You have published a ASP.Net 4.0 Site from your dev environment to your production environment (could be Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008), when you open the site, you get the below error. HTTP Error 500.21 Internal Server Error PageHandlerFactory-IntegratedThe reason is you do not have .Net Framework 4.0 installed. Follow the below steps, if it is Windows 7. 1. Enable ASP.Net in Windows 7 2. Install .Net Framework 4.0 3. Navigate to C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework64\v4.0.30319 and run aspnet_regiis -i Do an IISReset, now your site should load fine!

SharePoint Designer : This operation has been canceled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator.

You have a SharePoint 2010 Claims Authentication ( FBA ) enabled site and you have a Custom SignIn Page created. Now, if you try to open the site in SharePoint Designer 2010, you will get this error:This operation has been canceled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator. Just change the Custom SignIn Page to Default SignIn Page and it will start working. After making the desired changes in SPD, do not forget to change it back to your Custom SignIn Page!