
Showing posts from December, 2014

SharePoint 2013 - Adding a Blog to an Existing Site (without creating a new site with blog template)

Use the below PowerShell cmdlets Enable-SPFeature -identity "BlogContent" -url  "Sitecollection URL" After enabling the feature go to “Site contents“ then you will find 3 lists named “Posts”,”Comments” and “Categories”. Then you just navigate ‘Posts’ list and click an item then u will get the blogs UI

Adding HTML page Content into SharePoint Page(.aspx) / Showing HTML content in SharePoint page(.aspx)

Requirement: Read HTML file from SharePoint document library and show it inside the SharePoint page (.aspx)(Read all html files and show into custom WebPart, Onclicking the document link it should redirect to custom page where we will display the HTML file). We tried the below code to display to HTML content inside the SharePoint page (.aspx) C# StreamReader srHTML = null ; string strHTML = string .Empty; SPFile spfile = SPContext .Current.Web.Lists.TryGetList( "Documents" ).GetItemById(45).File; srHTML = new StreamReader (spfile.OpenBinaryStream()); strHTML = srHTML.ReadToEnd(); srHTML.Close();            ltrHTMLContent.Text = strHTML; < Div style =" height : 500px">         < asp : Literal ID ="ltrHTMLContent" runat ="server"></ asp : Literal > </ Div > The above works very well!

SharePoint's SQL Server using High Memory (RAM)

Please refer the below links: SQL Server is designed to use all the memory on the server by default. The reason for this is that SQL Server cache the data in the database in RAM so that it can access the data faster than it could if it needed to read the data from the disk every time a user needed it. If we needed to go to the disks every time that SQL Server needed the same data over and over the disk IO requirements would be insanely high. So if you want to fix the memory, then this step can be followed:

iGrid launches SharePoint Add-Ons & Products

An object in the SharePoint administrative framework "SPDatabaseServiceInstance Name=SharePoint" could not be deleted. SPWebServiceName=WSS_Administration SPWebService

SharePoint 2013 – error – removing SQL Server – wss_administration reference Symptoms: When you try to remove a not used SQL Server from SharePoint in the Central admin: An object in the SharePoint administrative framework, "SPDatabaseServiceInstance Name= could not be deleted because other objects depend on it. Update all of these dependants to point to null or different objects and retry this operation. The dependant objects are as follows: SPWebService Name=WSS_Administration Workaround: You have switched to a new SQL server but SharePoint kept a reference. You can use an existing correct Web application to update Central admin with the good one: $centralAdmin =Get-SPWebApplication -IncludeCentralAdministration | ? { $_ .DisplayName  -match ‘ SharePoint Central Administration’ } $goodExample =Get-SPWebApplication -identity ‘ http://mygoodwebapp’ $centralAdmin .Parent.DefaultDatabaseInstance = $goodExample .Parent.DefaultDatabaseInstance $centralAdmin .Parent...

Scaling and adding more servers to SharePoint Foundation 2013 Search

In the last few days, we have not only been trying ourselves with different approaches, but also posted this query with Microsoft folks, Technet Forums and even LinkedIn SharePoint Groups and finally, it is clear that SharePoint Foundation 2013 Search is not scalable and thus you cannot have them spread over multiple servers - which is what we are trying to do here. (This has been confirmed by MS Support as well) Refer the below links: The abov...

10 features of Microsoft's Windows 8.1 OS that will cheer users of the latest OS

10 features of Microsoft's Windows 8.1 OS that will cheer users of the latest OS. I t may have taken Microsoft a long time getting it right, but the good news is that Windows Mobile OS has finally arrived in a big way. With a virtual personal assistant, consolidated notification Center, better keyboard, enhanced apps, the latest OS for Windows phones gives the feeling of a robust solution. Of course there are a few areas which need to be addressed, but with the impressive turnout of version 8.1, one can only expect better upgrades in the future. For the time being, let us take a closer look at what WMP 8.1 has to offer. 1. Start Screen Customisation and Live Folder Support Start Screen The improvements greets the users right at the start screen itself, with the option to customise it. Users now get the freedom to set a custom background wallpaper for the start screen, imparting a personal feel to it. To add to it, users can now also set their custom images/photograp...

.Net goes Open Source, Free Visual Studio Application, Develop Android Mobile Apps in Visual Studio

Thought of sharing announcements related to . N et product which happened at the connect Conference which is a Microsoft Developer Event. 1 ) Microsoft announced that .NET will go open source – this means developers can write .NET applications that can now run on Linux and OS X, just like Java. There is already an open source initiative called Project Mono ( ) to do this, and Microsoft is working with Xamarin ( ), the company behind Project Mono to make the open source transition. This will not happen all at once, but will be done gradually. Nevertheless, it’s a big change, so read more about it from the following links: